True or False Trivia Questions

25 True or False Questions for an Epic Senior Showdown!

Today's mission, should you choose to accept it, involves diving headfirst into a pool of brain-bending True or False trivia questions that'll make your senior gatherings MUCH more fun and memorable. So, grab a seat, a pen, and maybe a thinking cap because it's time to start your super silly trivia adventure!

Cows Can Recognize Themselves in a Mirror - True or False?

A shark’s skeleton has 172 bones - True or False?

The deadliest mammal is a hippopotamus - True or False?

The deadliest insect is a mosquito - True or False?

The Quest for Senior Brainpower

In the vast realm of brain games, True or False Trivia stands tall as the undisputed champion. But today's collection isn't your run-of-the-mill trivia. No, no, no. These questions are crafted to be interesting, fun, and just a tad tricky. So, let's get started!

The Challenge: 25 True or False Trivia Questions

1. True or False: Honey Never Spoils?

2. True or False: Bananas Are Berries?

3. True or False: Penguins Only Live in the Antarctic?

4. True or False: Lightning Never Strikes the Same Place Twice?

5. True or False: Your Taste Buds Change Every Seven Years?

6. True or False: Goldfish Have a 3-Second Memory?

7. True or False: The Great Wall of China is Visible from Space?

8. True or False: Lightning Bugs Are Not True Bugs?

9. True or False: Chameleons Change Color to Blend In?

10. True or False: The Eiffel Tower Can Grow Taller in the Summer?

11. True or False: Octopuses Have Three Hearts?

12. True or False: Carrots Improve Your Night Vision?

13. True or False: The Bermuda Triangle is More Dangerous than Other Parts of the Ocean?

14. True or False: The Mona Lisa Was Stolen from the Louvre in 1911 and Recovered Two Years Later?

15. True or False: Mars Has More Than One Moon?

16. True or False: Coffee Stunts Your Growth?

17. True or False: Is Memory Loss a Normal Part of Aging?

18. True or False: The Great Wall of China is the Longest Wall in the World?

19. True or False: Dogs Only See in Black and White?

20. True or False: Peanuts Are Nuts?

21. True or False: The Tomato is a Fruit?

22. True or False: Mount Everest is the Tallest Mountain?

23. True or False: Humans Only Use 10% of Their Brains?

24. True or False: Spicy Food Causes Ulcers?

25. True or False: Lightning Can Strike Sand and Create Glass?

Game Shop Remember When Trivia Game @grannymaze

Bonus True or False Trivia Question Answers

*According to the prevailing science, individuals of most species can't recognize their reflections as themselves. The only known exceptions are humans, some great apes, and possibly dolphins, elephants, and magpies - all animals with high intelligence.

True or False Trivia Answers

1. True or False: Honey Never Spoils?
- True. Honey's low moisture content and acidic pH make it a hostile environment for bacteria and microorganisms, ensuring its long shelf life.

2. True or False: Bananas Are Berries?
- True. Botanically speaking, bananas qualify as berries, characterized by their fleshy pericarp and seeds on the inside.

3. True or False: Penguins Only Live in the Antarctic?
- False. While some penguin species inhabit the Antarctic, others thrive in diverse climates, Antarctica to various remote islands and the southern coasts of Africa, Australia, New Zealand and South America.

4. True or False: Lightning Never Strikes the Same Place Twice?
- False. Lightning can indeed strike the same location repeatedly, especially if it's a tall and isolated object. For example, the Empire State Building is hit about 25 times per year.

5. True or False: Your Taste Buds Change Every Seven Years?
- False. Taste buds get replaced every 2 weeks or so. But as we age, some of our taste bud cells don't get replaced.

6. True or False: Goldfish Have a 3-Second Memory?
- False. Goldfish possess a more extended memory span than commonly believed, with studies showing they can remember information for months.

7. True or False: The Great Wall of China is Visible from Space?
- False. Contrary to popular belief, the Great Wall is not visible from the moon, and is difficult to spot from Earth orbit without aid of high-powered lenses.

8. True or False: Lightning Bugs Are Not True Bugs?
- True. Lightning bugs, or fireflies, belong to the order Coleoptera, which consists of beetles, not the order Hemiptera, the true bugs like Cicadas, Hoppers, or Aphids.

9. True or False: Chameleons Change Color to Blend In?
- True. Chameleons change color for various reasons, including communication, temperature regulation, and blending into their surroundings for camouflage.

10. True or False: The Eiffel Tower Can Grow Taller in the Summer?
- False. The Eiffel Tower's height remains relatively constant, with only minor variations due to temperature-induced expansion or contraction of its iron structure.

11. True or False: Octopuses Have Three Hearts?
- True. Octopuses have three hearts, two branchial hearts pumping blood to the gills to pick up oxygen and one systemic heart circulating blood to the rest of the body.

12. True or False: Carrots Improve Your Night Vision?
- Half Truth! While carrots are rich in vitamin A, which helps the eye to convert light into a signal that is sent to the brain, helping us to see in the dark. It will only make a big difference for someone who suffers from a vitamin A deficiency. So, consuming excess won't grant you superhuman night vision.

Game Shop Remember When Trivia Game @grannymaze

13. True or False: The Bermuda Triangle is More Dangerous than Other Parts of the Ocean? 
- False. The Bermuda Triangle's reputation for mysterious disappearances is not statistically higher than other areas of the ocean.

14. True or False: The Mona Lisa Was Stolen from the Louvre in 1911 and Recovered Two Years Later?
- True. The iconic painting by Leonardo da Vinci, the Mona Lisa, was stolen in 1911 and recovered in 1913, creating a sensational art heist in history.

15. True or False: Mars Has More Than One Moon?
- True. Mars has two moons - their names are Phobos and Deimos.

16. True or False: Coffee Stunts Your Growth?
- False. The notion that coffee hinders growth is a myth; there's no scientific evidence supporting this claim.

17. True or False: Is Memory Loss a Normal Part of Aging?
- True. As one ages there is modest memory loss, primarily short-‐term memory (recent events).

18. True or False: The Great Wall of China is the Longest Wall in the World?
- False. While the Great Wall is extensive, it's not the longest wall globally; the Great Wall of Benin holds that title.

19. True or False: Dogs Only See in Black and White?
- False. Dogs see a limited spectrum of colors, but they are not entirely colorblind and can perceive certain hues.

20. True or False: Peanuts Are Nuts?
- False. Despite the name, peanuts are legumes, not true nuts, as they grow underground.

21. True or False: The Tomato is a Fruit?
- True. Botanically, tomatoes are classified as fruits, as they develop from the ovary of a flower and contain seeds.

22. True or False: Mount Everest is the Tallest Mountain?
- False. While Mount Everest is the highest peak above sea level, Hawaii's Mauna Kea, measured from its base on the ocean floor, is taller. 4 Thousand feet taller!

23. True or False: Humans Only Use 10% of Their Brains?
- False. This widely circulated myth has been debunked; humans use a significant portion of their brains. A recent ish 2010 test found 35% was used.

24. True or False: Spicy Food Causes Ulcers?
- False. Spicy food doesn't cause ulcers; in fact, certain spices may have anti-inflammatory properties.

25. True or False: Lightning Can Strike Sand and Create Glass?
- True (sort of). When lightning strikes sand, the intense heat can fuse the grains, forming natural glass structures known as fulgurites, a tube of glass below the ground. Nature's artistic touch indeed!

Scoring Your True or False Trivia Questions

Wondering how you fared in our True or False Trivia journey? Let's decode those scores:

19 - 22 correct: Bravo, Trivia Virtuoso! Your mastery of the True or False realm is unparalleled. You've danced through the questions with finesse. Now, if only you could recall where you stashed your reading glasses.

10 - 18 correct: Not too shabby! Your mind is a fortress, but with a few playful quirks. Who needs to remember where they put their TV remote anyway? You've proven that a bit of whimsy enhances the game.

0 - 9 correct: Forget about it! Don't break a sweat; every question is a step towards boosting your mental agility. Keep diving into the True or False trivia ocean and watch your knowledge bloom. Keep learning, keep smiling, and let the games continue!

Get Our Remember When True or False Trivia Game

Sample Questions from The Game

Just click on the little arrow for your answer.

Q1: True or False? Coca Cola was the first soda drink to be sold in cans.

False – Coco Cola was introduced in 1955, Cliquot Club Ginger ale was the first soda sold in a can in 1938.

Q2: True or False? John Lennon was the oldest member of The Beatles.

False - Ringo Starr was the oldest member.

Q3: True or False? The game of Scrabble was created during the Great Depression.


25 True or False Trivia Questions Printable Game


Remember When Trivia True or False Game @grannymaze
